These pictures were made as a kind of parallel to the "EARTH" series.

The earths complexion has many surfaces, and I saw the urban world as a way of commenting on a "nature vs. human nature" conflict.

There is a different but equally compelling beauty to be found in the urban scenery.

The beauty is in the light and how it affects the surface it falls on.

The work of the visual artist is to show it, to express it, to show in paint or crayon or in some way to suggest that  what we see in the everyday ordinariness, can be beautiful, that the perceived conflict is only that, a notion that suggests something, and that the something can be explored and used to evoke emotions and become part of the language that we all, to some extent speak, but frequently misunderstand because of a need to find a logical explanation of things.

Our perceptions are like a cloak that covers the things we want to ignore, as much as the light exposes other aspects. Beauty is in the light, and beauty is what I've used to decorate these urban images.

© Copyright Brian Simmonds 2015

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